Securly Classroom

Securly Classroom is your digital teaching assistant. Securly Classroom is designed to help teachers do what they do best: guide lessons, monitor student progress, and keep the focus on learning.

You may have previously used LAN School in your classroom - Securly Classroom is the much-improved replacement for LAN School.

Securly Classroom is software that runs on Chromebooks and Windows PCs that allows the teacher to see a student's screen - and so much more!

How Do I access my Class of Students?

Any Google Classroom classes that you accept from Little SIS or create by hand will be available in Securly Classroom. These class rosters automatically update based on who is enrolled as a student in the Google Classroom class.

If you do not use Google Classroom, no problem! Use the Add New Class button on the Classes page of Securly Device Console to create a manual class grouping.

How Do I View Student Screens?

First, you will want to start your class by clicking on the start button below the class (it looks like a ▶️ icon).

Next, you will want to set a duration to automatically end your class. This is a great way to ensure that any block lists that you have imposed on your class do not automatically apply to students when they are with another teacher.

Finally, click on the Start Now button to begin the class. Student screens will be displayed in a grid format. You can adjust your view to suit your needs.

Note that when you click "Start Now", students will receive a popup notification that their device is being monitored by their teacher.

What options do I have when my class is in session?

I Received an email from Securly Classroom, what's up with that?

Whenever a class ends, all teachers/co-teachers affiliated with the class will receive an email summary. This is a fantastic tool to learn how time was spent by the class as a whole and can give insight into distractions present that you may not have noticed.

You said that I can unblock websites myself. How can I do that?

This is arguably one of the best features of Securly Classroom. Teachers no longer need to enter helpdesk tickets to unblock websites for students! Of course, if there is a site blocked in error that is constantly used, please let the Tech Team know - but now you no longer need to pivot when a page is unexpectly blocked during class. Simply use the Push Sites feature to send your students to the web site that is blocked. This will allow teachers to temporarily open up access to the site while class is in session.

This looks easy, but I would like to learn more. Any advice?

We highly recommend the self-paced learning videos that Securly has developed. These videos cover everything including: